Waste Treatment Process
Waste Treatment Process
The facility uses state-of-the-art equipment and processes which enable operators to manage the composting process through the tracking of batches through the entire composing process for traceability. This facility provides McBreen Environmental with a secure and ethical outlet for the liquid waste it collects which enables us to continue our journey to sustainability while also contributing to the circular economy. Without this facility, the target for reduction in waste volumes going to landfill could not be achieved.
Waste Treatment Process
High-Quality Material
The key waste activity which is carried out at the McBreen Composting Facility is the dewatering and composting of biosolids from waste materials with the result a product a high-quality compost material. This process is brought about by the biological decomposition of organic/ material under controlled conditions. Due to the nature of McBreen Environmental’s waste processing activities, 99.99% of the waste generated from our business activities is recovered via discharge to sewer and composting process.
Waste Treatment Process
Overview of the Key Process
Waste tankers arrive at facility (waste acceptance)
Tankers of waste material are weighed, tested and inspected upon arrival at the facility.
Dewatering of Sludge – Sludge Processing Facility
The dewatering process involves the separating of the liquid from the solids from the waste for separate treatment/disposal.
Temporary storage of stock in preparation
The waste is unloaded into one of two over ground waste Storage tanks. The materials are then batch blended to ensure the appropriate moisture content for screening.
Primary composting in Bays
Each compost batch is maintained within a tunnel for 1 to 2 weeks before being transferred to the next tunnel. All air is directed through the aeration system to the Biofilter prior to its release not the local environment. All data is recorded continuously using a SCADA system.
Turning and primary composting in Bays
Compost is moved from one tunnel to another until it has reached a minimum temperature of 40 degrees (monitored by temperature probes).
Each batch is removed from a tunnel and screened using a trommel. The separated oversize fraction is transferred back to the Wallow Bay and reused as structure material in the composting process.
Maturation and storage of the final product
The screened compost batch is transferred into Tunnel No. 4 (or No. 5 depending on availability) and held for up to 21 days. After 21 days the batch is tested, and batch remains within the tunnel until the test results confirm the batch meets appropriate specifications.
All wastewater will be stored in a holding tank before being pumped to the main
Once QA checks are completed the compost is transferred offsite to the pre agreed end destination. Treated water is transferred to the outdoor Balance Tank and fed by gravity feed to the Irish Water sewer.